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This is a brief walk-through of how to create a data dictionary for an existing dataset. If you are intending to add this to the package then you must follow the guidelines for adding datasets. If you were hoping to use the dictionary with appliedepidata::create_desc(), then you can add your variables descriptions to the note column. Similarly this dictionary could be used for translating your dataset, by adding columns to the excel sheet with the language suffix (e.g. _fr) and then translating the content, you could then use {matchmaker} to recode.

# Define the path to the Excel file in inst/extdata
import_path <- system.file("extdata", "AJS_AmTiman.xlsx", package = "appliedepidata")

# Define the path to export the Excel file (Dictionary) to in inst/extdata
export_path <- file.path("inst", "extdata", "AJS_AmTiman_dict.xlsx")

# Read in the Excel file using rio
AJS_AmTiman <- rio::import(import_path)

# create variable list 
survey <- datadict::dict_from_data(AJS_AmTiman)
# add in a notes column that can then be edited manually to describe variables
survey$note <- NA

# create list of variable values (choices)
choices <- datadict::coded_options(survey)

# chuck in list 
data_export <- list(

# write to excel sheet 
rio::export(data_export, export_path)