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The save_data function saves dataset files (and unzips them if necessary) based on search criteria such as dataset name, language, group_identifier, or unique_identifier. It checks for the existence of the required files, and if all files exist, they are either copied or unzipped into the specified directory.


  name = NULL,
  language = NULL,
  group_identifier = NULL,
  unique_identifier = NULL,
  path = rstudioapi::selectDirectory()



(optional) A string specifying the name of the dataset to save.


(optional) A string specifying the language of the dataset. If used with name, group_identifier, or unique_identifier, the function will filter datasets based on this language.


(optional) A string identifying a group of related datasets. If provided, the function will return all datasets within the group unless further criteria are given.


(optional) A string representing the unique identifier for a dataset.


(optional) A string specifying the directory where the dataset files will be saved. If not provided, the function will prompt the user to select a directory via the rstudioapi::selectDirectory() function.


No return value. The function saves the specified dataset files to the chosen directory. A success or failure message is printed upon completion.


The function assumes that the dataset files are available in the "extdata" directory of the appliedepidata package. The function follows these steps:

  1. Dataset Lookup: It looks up dataset information using lookup_dataset based on the provided search criteria (name, language, group_identifier, or unique_identifier).

  2. File Existence Check: It checks if all required dataset files exist using the list_data function. If any files are missing, an error message lists them.

  3. File Copying and Unzipping: If all files are found, the function copies the files to the specified directory. If the files are zipped (.zip), they are unzipped before being saved.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Save a dataset by name to a chosen directory
save_data(name = "AJS_AmTiman", path = "/path/to/save/directory")

# Save a dataset by group identifier and language
save_data(group_identifier = "acutejaundicesyndrome_outbreak_tcd_2016", language = "fr")

# Save a dataset by unique identifier
save_data(unique_identifier = "acutejaundicesyndrome_outbreak_tcd_2016_linelist_1_1_outbreak_2016")
} # }