Support Desk
Our services
Applied Epi offers a global Support Desk designed to provide rapid, expert technical support to applied epidemiologists and their organisations worldwide.
The Support Desk provides the below services for both routine and emergency contexts. Email to purchase hours or discuss a project.
Code Review
You can show us your R code via online calls to:
- Debug your code
- Optimize your code for better efficiency
- Improve your coding skills
- Advise on code project organization and collaboration
Technical Projects
We can work on projects with or for your team where you require additional capacity or expertise, to:
- Set up a routine process/output or tool (e.g. Shiny Dashboard, automated sitrep)
- Conduct data cleaning and/or analysis
- Assist or lead in analysis planning
Pricing and services
For both Code Review and Project work, we charge per hour according to the difficulty level of the work:
- $150 per hour at standard level (most data processing and analysis)
- $250 per hour for advanced level (e.g. complex study design or statistics, complex data processing, dashboards or epidemic modelling).
Package options are also available.
Take a look at our scholarships page for opportunities to access these services for free.
Agencies we have supported
We are proud to have supported to numerous organizations, including:
- Uganda Ministry of Health (during and after the recent Ebola outbreak)
- Ministry of Health in the Democratic Republic of Congo
- Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders)
- Field Epidemiology Training Programs (FETPs) worldwide